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Curriculum Vitae                                                                                   2019-06-29


Matts Mattsson  Born in 1947



Matts Mattsson

Arrendevägen 13, S-187 30 Täby, Sweden     

Mobile + 46 (0)73-671 36 80



Academic qualifications

Associate Professor (docent 2) in Pedagogy, University of Tromsø, 2011.

Associate Professor (docent) in Pedagogy, Stockholm University, 2008.

University lecturer in Special Education, Stockholm Institute of Education, 1998.

Ph.D. in Social Work, University of Gothenburg, 1996.

Bachelor's degree, Stockholm University, 1974.


Other training and qualifications

Precarious Peacebuilding: Exploring new research agendas , an international conference organized by the Swedish Institute of International Affairs, Stockholm 2013, Oct 1-2.

Peace building and Local Government, an international conference organized by University of Bradford, UK, in collaboration with Swedish International Development Authority ( Sida) and International Centre for Local Democracy (ICLD), 2013, Aug 29-30.

Strategies of Social Development for improving the Human Condition IUCISD:s 7th International Conference, Washington DC, USA 1992, July 12-16.

Social Movements in Social Change and Social Development in San Jose, Costa Rica, the IUCISD 1990 International Conference in Costa Rica 1990, August 12-15.

Gandhian Thought as a Theory base for Social Work , a IUCISD-conference in San Jose, Costa Rica 1990, August 10-11.

Women and Peace – an international conference to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Hull House organized by School of Social Work, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IUCISD, WILPF 1989, March 12-15.

Peace and Development a seminar organized by Inter-University Consortium for International Social Develop­ment, IUCISD, University of Gothenburg and Kungälv Folkliga Akademy 1987, August 26-28.

Educational planning , a course at Sandö U-centrum, organized by Swedish Board for Education in International Development and the Stockholm Institute of Education in cooperation with the Swedish International Development Authority, (SIDA), 1982-83 (2 months).



Career history

Head of  Centre of Knowledge, at International Centre for Local Democracy (ICLD) in Visby, Sweden,   2012-13 (part time, 8 months).

Associate Professor (docent 2) in Pedagogy, at University of Tromsø , Norway, 2011-12 (part time, 2 years) .

University Lecturer in Special Education and Pedagogy at Stockholm Institute for Teacher Education and Stockholm University, 1998-2011.

Education Officer at the Centre for Educational and Regional Development at Stockholm University, 2008-2011.

Researcher and Consultant at Äldreforskning Nordväst (ÄNV), a regional Research and Development Unit focusing on gerontology and the welfare of elderly people, part time, 1998-2003.

Executive Director and Research leader of FoU-Södertörn, a regional Research and Development Unit focusing on social work and social welfare, part time, 1997-1999.

Leader of a research- and development project, the Swedish model on a local level, part time 1996-97.

Project leader of a research- and development project, Community Development, 1990-97.

Assignments and commitments as lecturer, evaluator and advisor for Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SKL), the Swedish Association of Public Housing Companies (SABO), t he Swedish Union of Tenants, the city of Jönköping, the municipality of Örnsköldsvik, the folk high schools of Sigtuna, Mellansel, Mullsjö and Tollare, 1985-1998.

Secretary General at the Swedish Association of Neighbourhood Centres and Youth Clubs (Riksförbundet Sveriges Fritids- och Hemgårdar), 1976-1989.

Education officer, Head of Department, Regional Officer at Study Promotion Association (Studiefrämjandet), a national organization for popular education, 1971-1975.

Alternative service for conscientious objectors at the Swedish International Development Authority (SIDA), 1969-70.    

Other professional assignments and commitments

Member of the steering committee for the International Network for Practicum Development and Research in Teacher Education, 2012-

Supervisor (ass.) of fil.lic Ingela Lindkvist-Larsson, in a doctoral project at Mälardalen University. Inclusive and Exclusive Practices in Primary School (Hur inkludering och exkludering uttrycks i skolans vardagspraktik), 2010-11.

Member of the steering committee in The Swedish Participatory Action Research Community ( SPARC) 2009-2011.  

Supervisor of Ingela Lindkvist-Larsson , Licentiate of Philosophy, at the Department for Education at Stockholm university. A study of Primary SchoolPupil influence (Bakom fasaden på klass- och elevrådsmöten), 2009.

Coordinator of the Network for Practicum and Praxis Projects, a research and development project, 2008-2012.

Member of the editorial group and one of the coordinators in the international research project Pedagogy, Education and Praxis, 2006-2012.

Coordinator of the Network Knowledge Construction and Professional Work, a research and development project, 2003-2008.

Visiting Scholar at the Centre for Cultural Research, CCR, University of Western Sydney and at School of Education, Charles Sturt University, CSU, Wagga Wagga, Australia, 2005 (6 months).

Supervisor of Roland Jakobsson, Licentiate of Philosophy, Stockholm Institute of Education Title: The Network as a learning environment - a case study (Nätverket som lärmiljö – en fallstudie), 2003.

Invited as lecturer, supervisor and external examiner to assist in master and doctoral programs at universities: Umeå, Gothenburg, Karolinska Institute, Örebro, Uppsala, Mälardalen, Linköping, Tromsø, 1997-2011

Consultant at Swedish International Development Authority (SIDA), conducting an annual joint review of the Swedish support to education and vocational training in Tanzania, 1984.



Invited speaker 

Invited speaker, "A Practicum Turn in Teacher Education" a program in Roermond, the Netherlands organized by Zuyd University of Applied Sciences and the International Network for Practicum Development and Research in Teacher Education, March, 2014.

Invited speaker at "the Bergen Conference 2012 on Teacher Education Practicum"  organized by University of Bergen.

Invited speaker at "the Oslo Conference 2009 on Practicum as an Integrative Part of Teacher Education" (Praksis som integrerende element i lærerutdanningen) organized by the national PIL-project and the Ministry of Education and Research ( Norges Kunnskapsdepartement), Oslo, Norge, 2009.

Invited speaker, "Praxis-related Research", on a conference organized by University of Gävle, Gävle, 2009.

Invited speaker, "Praxis-related Degree Projects", on a conference organized by the City of Stockholm, Department of education, 2008.

Invited speaker, " Serving Two Masters", at Action Research and Professional Practice Conference, 7 & 8 February 2008, organized by RIPPLE, the Research Institute for Professional Practice, Learning and Education at Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, Australia, 2008.

Invited speaker, "Praxis-related Degree Projects", at a conference organized by Södertörn University, Department for culture and communication, the Research and Development Unit, Huddinge, 2008.

Invited speaker,"’A model for Praxis-related Degree Projects", at a conference organized by Malmö University, Teacher Education, Malmö, 2007.

Invited speaker, "Some characteristics of praxis-related research", at Oxford Learning Institute, Higher Education Research Seminar Programme, Oxford University, England, 2007.

Invited keynote-speaker, "Practitioner-related research: An overview", at a colloquium organized by Research in Vocational Education & Training (RIVET) a CSU Community of Scholars at Charles Sturt University, Faculty of Education, Wagga Wagga, Australia, 2005.

Invited speaker, " Social capital supporting males. Findings from a community action research project in Sweden", at the April 29th 2005 conference Neighbourhoods and Social Capital. Organizers: Centre for Research on Social Inclusion, Macquarie University and the City of Ryde, Sydney, Australia, 2005.

Invited keynote-speaker, "Practitioner Researchers and other kinds of Researchers", (Barfotaforskare och andra forskare) at the 2002 conference on Research and Development in Nässjö, organized by FORSS, Forskningsrådet i Sydöstra Sverige and Linköping University, 2002.

Invited keynote-speaker, "Aktionsforskning i lokalsamhället", (Action Research in a Local Community) at the Nordic Conference for Social Work Education ( den Nordiske Socialh øgskole-konferensen) in Ålesund, Norway, 2001.

Invited speaker "Community Work in Sweden" at the conference Citizen participation in Community Development organized by University of Puerto Rico, the Graduate School of Social Work, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1994.

Invited speaker "Social development and Peace" at Peace and Justice: Challenge to Social Welfare – the Sixth Commemorative Conference Dorothy D. Bourne organized by University of Puerto Rico, the Graduate School of Social Work, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1989.


International conferences

Papers, symposia and other kinds of contributions at international conferences organized by academic associations focusing on Social work, Pedagogy, Peace and conflict studies: Stockholm (2013), Bradford (2013) Sydney (2012), Berlin (2011), Melbourne (2010), Malmö (2010), Utrecht (2009), Trondheim (2009), Gothenburg (2008), Åbo (2007), Nottingham (2006), Amsterdam (2006) Durban (2006), Tromsø (2006), Gothenburg (2005), Stockholm (2001), Oslo (2001), Oslo (1996), Gothenburg (1996), Stockholm (1993), Washington (1992), Gothenburg (1991), San Jose, Costa Rica (1990). 


Academic publications


Mattsson, M. (red.) (2019). Erkännandets pedagogik: Sju pedagoger berättar. [The Pedagogy of Recognition: Tales of Seven Pedagogues]. Studentlitteratur (250 s.). 

Mattsson, M. (2017). Status Quo? En berättelse om ockupation, motstånd och solidaritet i Israel och Palestina [Status Quo? A Story about Occupation, Resistance and Solidarity in Israel and Palestine]. Bokförlaget Daidalos. (228 s.)     

Mattsson, M. (2013). Vetenskapsteoretiska vägval [Epistemological Choices and Praxis]. I M. Brekke, T.Tiller (red), Læreren som forsker. Innføring i forskningsarbeid i skolen. [Teacher as Researcher]. Universitetsforlaget. (s. 79-105).

Mattsson, M, Eilertsen, T. V. & Rorrison, D. (Eds.) (2011). A Practicum Turn in Teacher Education . Rotterdam: SensePublishers. (259 p.).

Mattsson, M., Eilertsen, T. V. & Rorrison, D. (2011). What is practice in teacher education? In M. Mattsson, T V Eilertsen & D. Rorrison (Eds.) (2011). A Practicum Turn in Teacher Education . Rotterdam: SensePublishers. (pp 1-15).

Mattsson, M., Rorrison, D & Eilertsen, T. V. (2011). Conclusions and Challenges. In M. Mattsson, T. V. Eilertsen & D. Rorrison (Eds.) (2011). A Practicum Turn in Teacher Education . Rotterdam: SensePublishers. (pp 223-244).

Jönsson, A., Mattsson, M. (2011). Assessing Teacher Competency during Practicum. In M. Mattsson, T. V. Eilertsen & D. Rorrison (Eds.) (2011). A Practicum Turn in Teacher Education. Rotterdam: SensePublishers. (pp. 169-186).

Mattsson, M. (2011) A review of Understanding and Researching Professional Practice by B. Green, B.(Ed.) In Educational Action Research Vol. 19, No. 1, March 2011, (pp. 113–115).

Mattsson, M. (2009). Emotionsforskning och aktionslärande: avslutande reflektioner. [Emotions in Research and Action Learning. Reflections]. In R. Jakhelln, T. Leming & T. Tiller (Eds.), Emosjoner i forskning og laering. Tromsø: Eureka Forskningsserie nr. 1-2009, (s. 235-242).

Mattsson, M. (2009). Examensarbeten och professionsutveckling: Alternativa kriterier för bedömning. [Degree Projects and Professional Development: Criteria for evaluation]. Paper at the yearly R & D conference organized by Nationella forskarskolan i Pedagogisk bedömning in Oct 2009 at Campus Konradsberg, Stockholm University. (9 s.).

Mattsson, M. (2008). A review of Questioning Qualitative Inquiry. Critical Essays by M. Hammersley. In Educational Action Research Journal. Vol 17, (pp. 618-620).  

Mattsson, M., Johansson, I. & Sandström, B. (Eds.) (2008). Examining Praxis: Assessment and Knowledge Construction in Teacher Education. Rotterdam: SensePublishers. (243 p.).

Ohlsson, J., Mattsson, M. (2008) Reflections on Nurturing Praxis, A Practice Turn. In K. Rönnerman, E. M Furu & P. Salo (Eds), Nurturing Praxis: Action Research in Partnerships Between School and University in a Nordic Light. Rotterdam: SensePublishers. (pp. 257-264).

Mattsson, M., Waldenström, C. (2008). Reflections on Critiquing Praxis, Approaches to teaching. In J. Ax & P. Ponte (Eds), Critiquing Praxis: Conceptual and Empirical Trends in the Teaching Profession. Rotterdam: SensePublishers. (pp. 214-222.)

Mattsson, M. (2008) Reflections on Enabling Praxis: A different meaning of Praxis. In S. Kemmis & T. J. Smith (Eds), Enabling Praxis: Challenges for Education. Rotterdam: SensePublishers. (pp. 249-254).

Mattsson, M., Kemmis, S. (2007). Praxis-related Research: Serving two masters? In Pedagogy, Culture & Society. Vol 15, No.2, (pp. 185-214).

Mattsson, M. (2006). Hur bedöma praxisorienterad forskning? [How to assess Praxis-related Research?]. In A. Bronäs, S. Selander. (Eds.), Verklighet Verklighet: Teori och praktik i lärarutbildning. [Reality, Reality. Theory and Practice in Teacher Education] Stockholm: Norstedts Akademiska Förlag, (s. 198-223).

Mattsson, M., Eriksson, H. and Pisilä, S. (2006). Vad är värdefull specialpedagogisk kunskap? [What knowledge is of value in Special Education?]. Stockholm Institute of Education, Department of Human Development, Learning and Special Education, Publication nr 32. (80 p.).

Mattsson, M. (2004). Att forska i praktiken: en kunskapsöversikt och en fallstudie . [Praxis-related Research: A survey and a case study]. Uppsala: Kunskapsföretaget i Uppsala AB. (198 p.).

Mattsson, M. (2001). Stenar under vattenytan: Forsknings- och utvecklingsarbete problematiserat . [Research and Development: A problematized narrative]. Studentlitteratur. (105 p.).

Lundberg, B., Mattsson, M. (eds.), (1997). Landet lagom: Folkhemmet på lokalplanet . [The Local Community]. Stockholm: Byggforskningsrådet: Svensk byggtjänst. (190 p.).

Mattsson, M. (1996). Vinter i folkhemmet: En studie av den svenska modellen på lokalplanet . [Hard times: A study of the Swedi sh Model on a local level]. Doctoral dissertation, Göteborg: Institutionen för socialt arbete. Göteborg: Kompendiet. (331 p.).

Mattsson, M. (1992). Den långa vägen till gemenskap [a long way to community]. I K.Sundh, P.Turunen (red.), Social Mobilisering: Om samhällsarbete i Sverige, Falköping: Publica, (s. 240-264).

Mattsson, M. (1990). Community Work in a Political Analysis. Paper for the IUCISD Conference “Social Movements in Social Change and Social Development”. The IUCISD 1990 International Conference in San José, Costa Rica. (30 p.).


Popular publications

Harald Swedners osynliga universitet [The invisible university of Harald Swedner]. In B. Bergsten, A. Bjerkman, H-E. Hermansson, J. Israel (red.) (1991). Etik, solidaritet, välfärd:en vänbok till Harald Swedner. Uddevalla: Daidalos 1991. (s. 389-394).

Mattsson, M. (1986). Det goda samhället: Fritidens idéhistoria 1900-1985 i ett dramatiskt perspektiv . [The Good Community]. Ordfront Stockholm: RSFH:s förlag – Fritidsforum. (270 p.).

TCO/SAMKO (1981) Som vi ser det. Ett debattinlägg om medbestämmande och fackligt arbete i förändring. Stockholm. [As we see it: A debate on participation and union work in a time of change]

En fackklubbordförandes vision [A Tradeunionleader´s Vision] in Statens Ungdomsråd (1980) Än sen då? Röster om framtiden. Helsingborg: LiberFörlag. (s. 112-122).

Behöver vi ett nytt studieförbund? [Is there need for a new association for popular education?] in Järtelius, A. (1978). Folkbildningsboken. Malmö: Liber Läromedel. (s. 59-73).

Furthermore, I have published more than 20 popular articles in various fields and papers and more than 20 reviews of doctoral dissertations. I have some experience of massmedia, social media and public relations.



Other commissions of trust

Member of the Board of the Department of Human Development, Learning and Special Education, Stockholm Institute of Education, 2002-05.

Member of the Social Security Board (Socialförsäkringsnämnd 5) in Täby, 1999-2001.

Board member of Roslagens Police Commission , 1995-97 .

Board member in the Foundation Advice & Human Rights ( Stiftelsen Råd & Rätt), Stockholm, 1994-96.

Board member in the Association for Solidarity (Solidaritetsföreningen) in Täby, 1988-91.

Member of the local parliament in Täby, (Täby kommunfullmäktige), 1985-91.

Participant of the organizing group Annual Nordic Meetings for Peace and Environment Issues (Nordiska freds- och miljöträffar) 1985-89 (Oslo, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Åland, Murmansk, Bornholm).

Commissions of trust in the Farmen Housing Association, (HSB:s Bostadsrättsförening Farmen), 1986-1999).

Branch committee chair, congress delegate and other commissions of trust in the trade union Handelstjänstemannaförbundet (HTF), 1978-1986. Special assignments (2 ½ months).

Assistant Leader for a national, general trade union course (TCO:s månadskurs M 59) focusing on social, political, economical and other trade union issues, 1980 (1 ½ months).

Participant of the organizing group for establishing a new association for popular education (Föreningen Fri Folkbildning), 1975-77.

Commissions of trust in the Study Promotion Association ( Studiefrämjandet), 1971-75.

Volontary work and Commissions of trust for Emmaus in Stockholm, 1970-71.

Volontary work and Commissions of trust in Lund Forum for Developing Countries (U-gruppen i Lund) 1968.  




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16.10 | 16:23

Jag är här på besök efter att ha plockat upp en sten under vattenytan. Har läst kapitel 4 och inser att jag barfotaforskat de sista 12 åren som amatör.

14.05 | 18:13

Överskådlig och trevlig hemsida. Intressant innehåll och lättnavigerad.

28.04 | 21:44

Fin hemsida och schysst av Matts att hänvisa till bokbörsen även för böcker, som är rätt nyutkomna

01.12 | 00:00

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